Abiding Class
Blue Room
(Yearick Center or "Y" Building)
Teacher: Doug Garland
Fall Topic: Are You Happy? A Study in the Beatitudes
Career Class
Band Room
(Yearick Center or "Y" Building)
Teachers: Colin Brazier and Drew Conley
Fall Topic: Psalm 124-150
Christian Living Class
(Main Building or "M" Building)
Teacher: Terry Worley
Fall Topic: Hosea 8-14
College Class
MAC ("A" Building)
Teacher: James Harris
Fall Topic: Unity & Diversity
Family Life Class
(Main Building or "M" Building)
Teacher: Jim Hamlett
Harvesters Class
Main Auditorium
(Main Building or "M" Building)
Teacher: John Dodd
Fall Topic: The Psalms of Ascent: Psalm 120-134
Homebuilders Class
(Main Building or "M" Building)
Teachers: Joel Gearhart, Cody Lehman, and Brent Honshell
King's Daughters Class
(Main Building or "M" Building)
Teacher: Kris Miller
Fall Topic: Courageous Missionary Heroines
Seeking Class
(Main Building or "M" Building)
Teacher: Bob Bell
Fall Topic: Philippians
Spanish Ministry Class
(Main Building or "M" Building)
Teachers: Paul Bixby and Nick Uwarow
Fall Topic: 1 Corinthians & 2 Thessalonians
Young Families Class
M-116 Library
(Main Building or "M" Building)
Teacher: David Dersch & Tim Stephens
Fall Topic: Proverbs