Not Just for Kids


Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.


At Hampton Park, we love kids. And we want them to feel a part of what God is doing in our church. Many of them, Lord-willing, will be the future members and leaders of our church. And Christian doctors, businessmen, teachers, firefighters, nurses, electricians, contractors, etc. We are also excited to teach them that corporate worship is for them, too! We love having all of them in our Evening Gathering on Sunday nights. And Not Just for Kids is the time where Pastor Conley speaks directly to them, using an object lesson to emphasize a truth from the teaching. Not Just for Kids almost serves as the illustrative introduction to the evening sermon.

Since 2018, we’ve recorded over 160 episodes of Not Just for Kids. They are below for you, parents, to go back and use in your discipleship of your children. Some might be perfect for a truth you are working through with your child at a particular moment. Or, you may choose to go episode by episode and use them as a part of your family worship. However you choose to use them, we hope that they will spark positive, spiritually-edifying conversations in your home. We are excited to be able to partner with you in this way.

And that’s Not Just for Kids!

Not Just for Kids 2024


Not Just for Kids 2023


Not Just for Kids 2022


Not Just for Kids 2021


Not Just for Kids 2020


Not Just for Kids 2019


Not Just for Kids 2018