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Mexico Update - Rosa C

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Hola from Cancún! These past couple of days have been packed so I'll try to do my best to summarize (and please forgive my grammar I'm in a rush trying to get out the door to leave this morning). There were a couple bumps in the road on Saturday, but for the most part traveling when smoothly. Getting up and leaving HPBC at 4 was pretty rough but we survived. We actually thought we might miss our flight but arrived to our gate to board with 5 minutes to spare. Getting through customs and immigration was an interesting experience for all of us. It took us a while to collect all of our bags and it took extra time because one of the team members didn't receive his bag. We ended up having to put in a claim and leave without his bag (he did end up getting it back late that night). It was raining when we got to Cancún which was unexpected, but isn't as hot as I thought it would be though! Just very humid (even more humid than SC which is hard to believe haha). Saturday night we played soccer with the Mexican teens which was so much fun! No one got seriously injured which was surprising because we were playing on gravel and everyone was slipping. After soccer, we all went back to the church to fellowship, eat ice cream, and sing (it was nice actually hearing how the words of the song are supposed to be pronounced haha).

Sunday was a very special day worshipping with our Mexican brothers and sisters. Sunday was also the day we all realized how bad we are at Spanish (we are getting better though!). The service was a special time of *trying* to fellowship and singing (even though we don't understand what we're singing). After the service a man came to the Lord and it was super cool to see that and gain another brother in Christ! After lunch, we headed out to Playa del Carmen to go to a church service there. The people there were so sweet, even though they had so little. They were all astonished at Camden's height (which was fun to watch them when we told them he was 14) and there was a little boy Christopher who was going around sitting on people's laps and it was super cute. After the service, we ate dinner, fellowshipped, took lots of pictures, and then we went on our way back to Cancún. In our teen meetings we have every night, we were asked some of our highlights of the day. One thing that kept coming up is that one day every tribe, nation, and tongue will be united praising Christ together forever. No language barrier. No being thousands of miles away from each other. Just one big family together praising our Savior, Jesus Christ.



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